Head of the Production Department for Invoices and Tax Collection Documents
67 外语教师/意大利语翻译/英语翻译/西班牙语翻译/运营VP/首席运营官/COO/CTO/CIO/技术VP住在 意大利国籍 意大利


Head of the Production Department for Invoices and Tax Collection Documents

Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione
2017.07-2024.10(7 年)
• Employer Name and Address: • Company Type or Sector: Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione performs - pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 3, of Decree-Law October 22, 2016, No. 193, converted with modifications by Law December 1, 2016, No. 225 - the exercise of functions related to national collection previously carried out by companies belonging to the Equitalia group. • Type of Employment: • Main Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of the institution's activities related to the formation of Invoices and the management of modification measures, in relation to local and central entities; the quality and efficiency of producing payment notices, payment warnings, and all other tax collection documents of interest to the Agency. Responsible for effective and efficient management of document registration activities for incoming documents and the management of all document archives (physical and digital), in relation to operational needs and relevant regulations. Responsible for ensuring oversight, direction, and development of overall archiving and document management activities (both physical and logical); coordinating, in line with regulatory evolution, activities related to substitute conservation and digitization of documents. Sole Procedural Responsible for contracts awarded to national suppliers for the Printing and Distribution of all documents produced by the entity. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to):

Production Director

Equitalia S.p.A.
2013.01-2017.01(4 年)
• Employer: • Company Type or Sector: • Type of Employment: Head of the Production Department for Invoices and Tax Collection Documents • Main Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for activities related to the formation of Invoices and the management of measures issued by entities, production of payment notices, payment warnings, and all other tax collection documents of interest to all companies within the Equitalia group. Sole Procedural Responsible for contracts awarded to national suppliers for the Printing and Distribution of all documents produced by the company. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to):


Equitalia Servizi S.p.A.
2000.01-2013.01(13 年)
• Employer: • Company Type or Sector: to the Equitalia Group • Type of Employment: • Head of the Production Area at Equitalia Servizi since 2007 • Head of the Production Area at CNC since 2002 • Head of the Operational Directorate at CNC since 2000 • Main Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for activities related to the production and management of roles issued by Taxing Entities, production of collection documents sent in large quantities to taxpayers on behalf of National Collection Agents. Responsible for logistics activities and services of the Consortium and the company. Delegated Manager of the Consortium and the Company for Worker Safety. Responsible for the Consortium's privacy. Sole Procedural Responsible for contracts awarded to national suppliers for the Printing and Distribution of all documents produced by companies within the Equitalia group. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to):

Software Production Director

Sirti S.p.A.
1989.01-1999.01(10 年)
• Employer: • Company Type or Sector: sectors. • Type of Employment: • Main Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for activities related to software production and integration of communication systems and management and control systems for telecommunications networks provided by the company to major national and international telecommunications network operators and some NATO member countries. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to):

Project Manager for Software Development

Selenia S.p.A. (formerly part of Leonardo-Finmeccanica S.p.A.)
1984.01-1989.01(5 年)
• Employer: • Company Type or Sector: • Type of Employment: • Main Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for coordinating software development projects for image presentation software for operator stations installed in command, control, and communication systems of defense equipment onboard ships or on terrestrial shelters. WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to):


Italian Army
1983.01-1984.01(1 年)
• Employer: • Role: • Main Duties and Responsibilities: anti-aircraft missile batteries.


University of Bologna

University of Bologna
1976.10-1982.12(6 年)
Degree in Electronic enginer

