
OASIS IS A FULL-SERVICE PRIVATE HOSPITAL WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF CARE.Healthcare at OASIS is modeled after leading evidence-based practices, setting rigorous standardsfor our physician qualifications, infection-controlled environments, medical technology, and delivery ofcare. Empowered by an advanced clinical environment, our physicians can provide for the unique needs ofeach patient. International guests can count on friendly multilingual service and medical treatments consistentwith the high standards of healthcare in their home country.Our general physicians, specialists, and nurses work together to provide continuity of care that meets thespecific and overall needs of each patient. At OASIS, your general physician, or family doctor, will consult youin detail during assessments, address your concerns, and involve you in developing a plan of care to returnyou to good health.We have been engaged in building up a PURE Medical Service system for all of our friends, and it would beour greatest pleasure to deliver “Excellent Healthcare Experience” to you.北京明德医院是一家符合国际医疗标准并以服务至上为宗旨的综合私立医院。北京明德医院是一家完全按照JCI质量安全标准建立的国际化私立综合医院。医院设置30多个临床和医技科室,和24小时急诊,手术室和住院病房,全方位地为您提供符合国际标准的高质量医疗服务。北京明德医院要做一个比较纯粹的医疗,“愉快体验,尊享医疗”,是明德人奉行的建院宗旨。在明德,我们追求的是一个建立在循证医学基础之上的医疗模式,按照最新的国际疾病分类的诊断标准ICD-10为标准建设标准化的临床诊疗路径,因此对医生资质、院感控制、医疗设备和医疗服务等都设定了极高的标准。在明德,由医生护士和专家组成的医疗团队精诚合作,针对每位患者不同的病情制定个性化的治疗方案。持之以恒,为您奉献满意的医疗服务。在明德,我们充分关注您的就医体验,竭诚提供最优化的医疗品质和安全服务。