Guangdong Lisheng Educational Group

广东立生知行教育集团,始于2002年,是广东民办教育的先行者之一。集团坚持打造精品化教育,提倡特色办学,经过多年的发展,现已成为岭南民办教育领域的金字招牌。 Founded in 2002, Guangdong Lisheng UKA Education Group is one of the forerunners of private education in Guangdong. The Lisheng Group incorporates the latest trends and methods to provide the highest quality education to all students. The Lisheng Group has become a golden brand in Lingnan private education. 集团下属三所高收费九年一贯制外国语学校、五所国际化高品质幼儿园正在稳定运营,在校学生逾万人,教职工一千六百余人。 The Group’s three nine-year education schools of foreign language with high tuition fees and four internationalized high-quality kindergartens are being operated steadily, with more than 10,000 students and over 1,600 faculty members. 集团坐落在全国文明城市、花园城市、广东四小虎之首——广东省东莞市,东莞是广东省历史文化名城,也是重要的交通枢纽和外贸口岸,GDP常年位居广东省前列,经济发达,环境优美,是国内最宜居的城市之一,也是教育行业的沃土。 The group is located in Dongguan, Guangdong province, known as the historical civilized city, the garden city and the head of the Guangdong Four Tigers. Dongguan is an important trade and transportation hub with an advanced economy, graceful environment, booming education industry and the highest GDP in Guangdong province and is one of the most livable cities in China, 集团创始人——丁立生先生,是著名教育家、北京师范大学客座教授。曾担任深圳育才学校、深圳石岩公学等名校的校长。 Mr. Ding Lisheng, the founder of Lisheng Group, is a well-known educator and visiting professor of Beijing Normal University. He has served as the president of many prestigious schools such as Shenzhen Yucai School and Shenzheng Shiyan Public School.