Hainan Huahai Middle School

南华海中学(原华中师范大学海南附属中学)是海南省重点民办十二年一贯制学校,在校师生6000余人,已形成幼儿园、小学、初中、高中、国际部等学制贯通的教育体系。办学10年,捷报频传,七届中考,“低进高出”,获700分以上500余人,750分以上人数海口名列前茅,2017年喜获海口中考状元!中考综合指标位居海口99所初中前10名!七届高考,取得9个800分,陈俞含、李正禾两位同学被清华大学录取,何艾菲同学被北京大学录取。国际部学生王博宇被美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校和英国伦敦大学学院录取;徐杨被美国华盛顿大学录取;王茁被瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院录取;校本部学生李云腾,被澳大利亚悉尼大学录取。近200位同学被复旦大学、上海交大、浙江大学、空军航空大学、香港城市大学等国内985高校、行业**名校及国际**高校录取,1000多位同学进入211及行业重点大学深造。 Nanhuahai Middle School (formerly known as Hainan Affiliated Middle School of Central China Normal University) is a key private 12 year consistent school in Hainan Province, with more than 6000 teachers and students. It has formed an education system that connects kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, and international department. After 10 years of education, there have been frequent reports of good luck. In the seven sessions of the high school entrance examination, more than 500 students scored 700 points or more, and the number of students scored 750 points or more ranked among the top in Haikou. In 2017, they won the top spot in the Haikou high school entrance examination! Ranked among the top 10 middle schools in Haikou in terms of comprehensive indicators for the middle school entrance examination! Seven sessions of the college entrance examination, achieving 9 out of 800 points. Chen Yuhan and Li Zhenghe were admitted to Tsinghua University, while He Aifei was admitted to Peking University. International student Wang Boyu has been admitted to the University of California, San Diego in the United States and University College London in the United Kingdom; Xu Yang was admitted to the University of Washington in the United States; Wang Zhuo was admitted to the Hotel Management Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland; Li Yunteng, a student from the main campus, has been admitted to the University of Sydney, Australia. Nearly 200 students have been admitted to domestic 985 universities, industry renowned universities, and international universities such as Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhejiang University, Air Force Aviation University, and City University of Hong Kong. Over 1000 students have entered 211 and industry key universities for further education.