Henan Fengbo Automation Co., Ltd

Founded in 1996, Henan Fengbo Automation Co., Ltd is one high-tech company specialized in integrating R&D, producing and sales of dynamic weighing system. During the past 20 years, Fengbo has accumulated abundant technology by cooperating with China Jiliang University and Tianjin University. We established a sub-laboratory of national key laboratories, and formed an integrated R&D system which includes institutes, group companies and expert consultants. With all these efforts, Fengbo has become a leading company which can offer the most advanced technology in the world to our clients continuously. Fengbo has gathered a team of young and middle-aged scientific and technological talents, and the team has high technical attainments and its structure is reasonable. Fengbo Innovation Team is regarded as “Henan Innovation and Technological Team” by Henan Government, and established a R&D platform formed by 1 Laboratory & 1 Station & 1 Center: “Key Laboratory of Dynamic Metrology”, “Academician Workstation of Dynamic Metrology” and “Research Center of Dynamic Metrology Engineering Technology” of Henan Province. We are one of the earlier founders of academician workstation in China’s dynamic metrology industry and provincial key laboratory among Henan SEMs. We have been honored as “Henan famous trademark”, “famous-brand products”, “High-tech enterprise”, “Advanced Team in Academician Workstation” etc.. Meanwhile, Fengbo is the chief drafter of the “Dynamic Weighing Industry Standard QB/T 4770-2014” in China for both Belt Weigh Feeder and Coriolis Powder Feeding System. Till now Fengbo owns more than 40 national patents and 15 software copyrights. 河南丰博自动化有限公司始创于1996年,是一家专注于连续动态计量设备的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的高新技术企业。 26年来,公司一直秉承“技术创新”和“技术引领”的发展理念,公司先后与中国计量大学、济南大学等建立了深度合作,积累了雄厚的技术实力,并建立了国家重点实验室分实验室,形成了科研院校、集团公司、专家顾问一体化的研发体系,使我们的产品一直处于不断的领先地位,同时也让我们的客户享受到全球前沿的技术。 公司凝聚了一支以中青年科技人才为主体,拥有较高技术造诣和结构合理的团队,被认定为“河南省创新型科技团队”,公司还建立了“一室、一站、一中心”的科研平台:“河南省动态计量重点实验室”、“河南省动态计量院士工作站”、“河南省动态计量工程技术研究中心”。不仅是中国动态计量行业第一家建立院士工作站的企业,同时也是河南省中小企业中第一家建立省级重点实验室的企业。 公司获得的荣誉有“中国标准创新贡献奖”、“河南省著名商标”、“河南省名牌产品”、“河南省高新技术企业”、“院士工作站先进集体”、“常务理事单位”等,同时主笔起草的《科里奥利粉体定量给料秤》、《定量皮带秤》行业标准已颁布实施,目前获得国家专利60余项,软件著作权20余项。 公司与南方水泥、西南水泥、中联水泥、天山水泥、祁连山水泥、宁夏建材、海螺水泥、冀东水泥、金隅水泥、华润水泥、山水水泥、华新水泥、红狮水泥、天瑞水泥、葛洲坝水泥、青松建化、金圆水泥、万年青水泥、同力水泥、塔牌水泥、湖北京兰水泥等水泥企业都有很好的合作,同时与中国中材南京院、天津院、成都院、南京凯盛、江苏院、湖南院、河南院、江苏鹏飞、江苏恒远、南京大峘等设计院及大包企业也建立了很好的合作关系。目前科里奥利秤系列在市场上销量已超过3500 台/套! 欢迎你的加入,共同为水泥计量事业做贡献!