HOLLA Group 由陶沙(Eric)创始于2016年,是一家快速发展的全球社交娱乐公司,主要瞄准海外市场,现在用户已经遍布全球,用户超过100个国家。 HOLLA Group 立志于努力加速线上实时沟通的全面普及,帮助全球用户移除物理屏障以更好地连接彼此。旗下的核心业务线已实现多款产品矩阵化,包括HOLLA、Monkey等已获取了超过一亿的注册用户,其创新业务也在不断探索革新。 公司以其独有的文化多样性、包容性、开放性著称,聚集了不同文化背景员工,公司的成员主要为90后,年轻群体为主且高效沟通,拥抱创新文化。 HOLLA Group于2020年底于花房集团合并,成为其全资子公司。花房集团诞生于直播界知名移动端平台花椒与PC端老牌霸主六间房的并购重组,集团旗下各平台注册用户数已达2.5亿,全矩阵用户规模以年均15%的增速稳步提升。 HOLLA Group is founded in 2016 by Eric Tao, is a fast-growing global social discovery company, mainly targeting overseas markets with its users in more than 100 countries worldwide. HOLLA Group is aimed at accelerating the full spread of online real-time communication and helping users around the world remove physical barriers for a better connection with each other. Its core business division includes a variety of products, including HOLLA, Monkey, etc. HOLLA Group has acquired more than 100 million registered users and is exploring new business opportunities by constantly innovating. The company is known for its unique cultural diversity, tolerance, and openness. It hires employees from different cultural backgrounds. A team of young people, mostly born in the 90s, creative and enthusiastic, embrace the culture of innovation. HOLLA Group acquired by Huafang Group at the end of 2020 to become a wholly-owned subsidiary. Huafang Group was formed out of the merger of Hua Jiao, an industry-leading mobile platform in the live streaming industry, and the well-known PC platform Liu Jian Fang (6.cn). The number of registered users of all products inside the Group has reached 250 million, and the scale of users is steadily increasing with an average annual growth rate of 15%.