井冈山大学位于中国革命摇篮井冈山所在地、素有“江南望郡”“文章节义之邦”美誉的江西省吉安市。学校现有青原、吉福、长岗3个校区,校园面积2458.7亩,校舍建筑面积73.7万平方米,教学科研设备总值4.2余亿元,图书馆藏书214万余册。学校设15个教学学院(部)和3个管理型学院;有“三级甲等”直属附属医院1所、非直属附属医院3所。现有普通本科招生专业50个,职教本科招生专业4个,涵盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学等11个学科门类,面向31个省、市、自治区以及港澳台地区招生,其中13个专业列入一本批次招生。学校现有全日制在校本科生、研究生和留学生22000余人,各类成人教育学生1万余人。 Jinggangshan University (JGSU, hereafter), a state-run institution of higher education, is known for its comprehensive ordinary undergraduate education with a long history and glorious tradition. It is a university jointly supported by Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, pair-assisted by Tongji University and authorized by Nanjing Military Region for cultivation of military talents and cadres. Jinggangshan University, located in the city centre of Ji’an Municipality, currently has 18,000 full-time registered students, including 331 oversea students. Meanwhile, it has enrolled more than 10,000 adult students. Up till now JGSU has produced nearly 100,000 graduates working in all walks of life. Jinggangshan University has a reasonably structured high-quality faculty team. At present, JGSU has a faculty of nearly 1600 people, including 129 professors, 409 associate professors. Among the faculty are 154 teachers with doctoral degree, 69 doctorate candidates, and 611 with master’s degree. JGSU is composed of 21 schools and offers 75 undergraduate majors covering 11 main disciplines (i.e. Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agronomy, Medicine, Management, Arts).