深圳市和宏实业有限公司成立于1997 年,是一家面向国内及国际市场,专注从事弱电线缆及其延伸配件产品研发、制造和销售的国家高新技术企业。经过多年的探索与发展,今日的和宏已成为横跨家电配件、弱电工程和数码配套三大领域弱电线缆及配件产品的全球领先企业。和宏拥有丰富的市场操作经验,以AV、HDMI、MFI、USB卷线等四大产品体系为核心,多年来在 OEM 与ODM业务的基础上不断发展消费类及工业类客户,形成拥有 D&S 品牌及国际大卖场品牌全面快速反应、精益制造的大业务群,凭借周到服务、领先技术和良好的品质与信誉,成为众多国际知名配件、工程和整机企业的供应商,并在全国各地设有强大的营销网络,同时产品远销至欧洲、美洲、中东、东南亚等近80个国家和地区,在部分国家还成为当地市场的主导品牌。998年,和宏在广东惠州投资建地2万多平方米的和宏工业区,2010年再次扩大第二工业园,并按照消费市场和配套市场的特点,对消费制造与配套制造进行分别管理,形成年产出新品17000多个型号、年生产规模50万公里长度的产能体系。成熟的生产技术、卓越的产品设计和科学的生产管理能力,以及追求零缺点的品质,力争客户100%满意,同时,拥有近百项专利的强大技术研发中心,为和宏产品面对激烈的市场竞争提供了强有力的成本、品质、服务和技术保障。2011年,和宏下属全资子公司惠州市和宏电线电缆有限公司,被认定为惠州市惠城区民营企业50强。和宏公司通过强大的产品研发、精益制造技术、诚信经营的企业品德,成为世界品牌500强企业Philips、霍尼韦尔大中华区域略合作伙伴;是中国首批获得美国苹果公司授权的企业—ipod/ipone/ipad及电脑外设连接线与配件的制造商和经销商;也是美国电话电报公司长期合作伙伴。同时,在高速互联网、宽带应用、数字音视频、个人数码电子产品配套线缆领域凭借产品的领先、成本优势、及优良的质量管理体系,成为相应领域的首选供应商并取得稳定性增长。和宏通过自有产业整合,在国内以现有安防卷线产品、综合布线为基础,采用“优势品牌建渠道、渠道带动自有品牌”的策略,通过渠道整合实现“一站式”产品供应和服务,建立起完善和广泛的销售渠道和网络。并于2012年开始,MFI产品淘宝商城旗舰店上线运营,全面进入国内市场。作为中国制造和中国民营企业的杰出代表之一,和宏在过去的15年一直保持着健康、稳定、快速的增长,并获得了“广东省著名商标”、“深圳知名品牌”、“深圳进出口诚信AAA企业”、以及家乐福全球采办颁发的“年度最佳供应商”、英国卖场DIXON颁发的“最佳新供应商”等多项荣誉。2007年,和宏公司被认定为深圳市高新技术企业,2011年被升级认定为“国家级高新技术企业”。今天的和宏,在为“卓越的长青企业”这一愿景而努力耕耘;明天的和宏,将继续以“道合致远,经济厚生”为使命,秉承“真诚,勤奋,精益求精”的核心价值观,为广大客户奉献更多更优质的产品和服务。Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Shenzhen, China, D&S is a National High-Tech Enterprise that research, develop, manufacture and sell low current cables and accessories. By years of research and development, D&S has became a world leading enterprise in manufacturing and selling cables and accessories in field of home appliance accessories, low current engineering projects and complementary projects.Today, D&S has accumulated rich market experience. Majoring products of AV,HDMI,MFI,USB and business model of OEM & ODM, D&S is continually developing customers in consumer and industrial field. D&S established a fast response and lean manufacturing business group with D&S own brand and international store brand. Depend on comprehensive service, leading technology and excellent product quality, D&S became long-term supplier of many world famous accessories, engineering and home appliance manufacturers, and set up giant selling network domestically. Meanwhile, D&S product was sold to nearly 80 countries in Europe, America, Middle East and Southeast Asia. In some countries, D&S became the leading brand in such product field.In 1998, D&S built its first own industrial zone in Huizhou, which covered area of nearly 20,000 Sqm. In 2010, the second plant was established. Today, D&S understand the difference between consumer products and complement products and set up separate production lines for various products. D&S built a production system with an annual production capacity of 500,000 kilometers and over 17,000 models products. With flawless product quality, solid manufacture skills, excellent product design teams and rich management experience, D&S is trying to achieve 100% satisfaction from its customers. A strong R&D facility, which owns nearly 100 patents, gives D&S powerful insurances in cost, quality, service and technology in today’s competitive market. In 2011, a fully subsidized company, Huizhou D&S Industries Co., Ltd, was listed as top 50 private enterprises in Huicheng District, Huizhou city.Rely on powerful product research & development ability, fine art manufacture skills and honorable virtue, D&S became the partner of top 500 enterprises, such as Philips and Honeywell. D&S is one of first batch of Apple licensed accessories manufacturer. Also, D&S is a long term partner for AT&T. Meanwhile, depends on leading product design, cost down skill and high product quality, D&S becomes prime complementary cable supplier in fields of high speed internet, broadband applications, digital audio/video and portable digital devices. Therefore, D&S is able to maintain stable increase in such fields.Based on complement cables for security product and wiring, by using strategy of Brand Brings Channels, Channels Return Benefits, by combining the superiorities of its different industries and channels, D&S has built comprehensive and broad sales network. At the beginning of 2012, D&S MFI products started for sale at D&S flagship store at As one outstanding representative of private enterprise in Guangdong Province, in the last 15 years, D&S maintains stable, healthy and fast growing speed. In the last 15 years, D&S had achieved many honors, such as Famous Brand of Guangdong Province, Famous Brand of Shenzhen, Shenzhen AAA credit Import and Export Enterprise, The Best Supplier Award from Carrefour Global Sourcing, The Best Supplier Award from a British chain store brand DIXON. 2007, D&S was qualified as Shenzhen High Tech Enterprise. 2011, the honor turns to be National High Tech Enterprise.Today, D&S is endeavoring to be an evergreen and ever excellent enterprise. Tomorrow, D&S will continually follow our mission of Long Term Cooperation from Consistent Ambitions, Long Term Development from Consistent Accumulations, refine on our core value of Diligence, Sincerity and Critiqued, and continually provide more quality products and services to our customers.