Smart International Medical Recruitment brochu

睿智国际医疗招聘简章 Smart International Medical Recruitment brochure 第一篇:企业介绍 First part: Enterprise introduction 湟裟集团介绍 Group introduction 中国·商丘,华夏文明的发祥地,1999 年湟裟集团正是在这片沃土上诞 生,逐 渐成为中国美容行业分享爱、传播爱的使者。目前拥有一支 2000 多人的团队。 Shangqiu, China, the birthplace of Chinese civilization, huangsha Group was born on this fertile soil in 1999 and gradually became the messenger of sharing and spreading love in China's beauty industry. It currently has a team of more than 2,000 people. 湟裟集团发展历程: Group development process 1999 年湟裟生活馆成立 ……… In 1999, the life Hall was established 2006 年巴拉巴拉童装成立 In 2006, Bala, bala, children's clothing was established 2007 年湟裟商学院成立 Huangsha Business School was established in 2007 2010 年郑州海豚医疗成立 Zhengzhou Dolphin Medical treatment was established in 2010 2015 年仁德培训中心成立 Zhengzhou Dolphin Medical treatment was established in 2010 2017 年 HeBe.Swiss (In 2017, HeBe.Swis) 2018 年 800 亩仁德生态园投入使用 In 2018, the 800-mu Rende Ecological Park was put into use 2020 年永生記面厂、鸭百利蛋厂、养殖厂、蛋黄厂成立 In 2020, immortal noodle Factory, Duck Baili egg Factory, breeding factory and egg yolk factory were established 2020 年-2022 年疫情三年湟裟集团共送出 1 亿 50 万 3965 元物资 From 2020 to 2022, the Group sent a total of 1,5003,965 yuan of supplies 2023 年与太平签约三亚睿智国际医疗 In 2023, it signed a contract with Taiping Group Sanya International Medical Group 湟裟集团一直秉承“公平、保障、责任”的企业宗旨,传承中华智慧,铸 就美业之魂,以“我们的梦想就是完成你们的梦想”为企业使命,以“从 基层打造一百个千万富翁,一千个百万富翁, ”为企业责任。 最终,实现万人财富自由的梦想,幸福着,快乐着,并工作着 The group has been adhering to the "fairness, guarantee, responsibility" corporate purpose, inheritance of Chinese wisdom, casting On the soul of the beauty industry, to "our dream is to complete your dream" for the corporate mission, to " from Grassroots to create 100 multimillionaires, a thousand millionaires, " for corporate responsibility. Finally, to realize the dream of wealth and freedom, happy, happy, 睿智国际医疗介绍: Wisdom International Medical Introduction: 睿智国际医疗是湟裟集团旗下分公司海南睿智投资有限公司在海南省投资的第 一个项目。是由中国太平集团联合三亚市海棠区卫健委引资项目---- Wisdom International Medical is the first project invested by Hainan Wisdom Investment Co., Ltd., a branch of Huangsha Group. It is a----investment project funded by China Taiping Group and Sanya Haitang District Health Commission 三亚睿智国际医疗,位于中国的南海之滨,三亚市,占地面积达 1.6 万平方米, 投入 3.5 亿的资金,是一个集医美(医美整形科)、生美、高科技仪器、私密(妇 科)、大健康(医学康复科)、美胸科(整形外科)、牙科(口腔科)、皮肤科 (医美皮肤科)等多个科室于一体的综合性医疗美容机构,为客户提供全方位、 个性化的私人订制服务,一站式满足美业顾客所有需求。 Sanya wise international medical treatment, located in China the shore of the south China sea, Sanya, covers an area of 16000 square meters, invested 350 million funds, is a collection of medical beauty (medical beauty surgery), beauty, high-tech instruments, private (gynaecology), big health (medical rehabilitation), breast surgery (plastic surgery), dental (dental), dermatology (medical beauty dermatology), and other departments in the integration of comprehensive medical cosmetology institutions, to provide customers with all-round, personalized private customized services, one-stop meet all customer needs.