
Technicial Engineer Needed in NingboAbout the employer:Founded in December 2006,Ningbo Supreme Electronic Machinery Co.,Ltd. is a national high and new technology company engaging in the development, production, sales and service of automatic special sewing machines. The company is located in the beautiful and economically develop Yinzhou Investment & Business Incubation of Ningbo. The company attaches importance to the building of R&D institution and business management team, talents introduction and internal training. It engages serveral senior and professional engineers of the industry to establish professional R&D center, training center and information processing and testing center to independently research, develop and to innovate high-tech products with world's advanced level, and have gotten 185 national patents. The professional talents team brings great strength to Supreme, now the company has become the leading sewing project solution provider for the customers in the industry. The sewing project solution will provide enterproses' automatic sewing with best products, and provide enterprises' intensive production and cost saving with long-term guarantee.宁波舒普机电科技有限公司成立于2006年12月, 是集自动化特种缝纫机的研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的国家级高新技术企业。公司位于风景秀丽、经济发达的浙江宁波鄞州投资创业中心,公司注重企业研发机构和经营管理团队建设、注重人才引进和内部培养工作,聘请了多名行业内资深专业工程师,成立了专业的研发中心、培训中心、信息加工和检测中心,自主研发创新具有世界先进水平的高科技产品,并获得185项国家专利;专业的人才团队造就了舒普公司强大的实力,目前公司已成为行业内为客户提供缝制项目解决方案的领导者。缝制项目解决方案将为企业自动化缝纫提供至臻产品,为企业集约化生产和节约成本提供长久保障。 科技创新是企业的生命力,企业加强科技创新,走创新型发展道路,是企业在行业发展的根本所在。舒普公司在自主研发的同时也积极引进国外先进技术,与国外企业开展广泛的技术合作,并与浙江大学、宁波纺织学院等高校联合进行项目开发。目前,公司已经成功研发生产出四大系列共40多个品种的特种工业缝纫机,公司销售采取内外销并举,产品在国内网络覆盖全国,并占据特种机市场的领导地位,出口产品远销美洲、亚洲、非洲、欧洲等三十多个国家和地区,形成国内国际同等的品牌影响力。 公司凭借高端的产品定位,强大的研发能力,以及遍布全球的营销服务网络,成为了中国自动化缝纫科技领域的一面旗帜。