Chinese Social media specialist or interns needed in beautiful Yangshuo of Guilin 自媒体运营专员/实习志愿者 【桂林阳朔;限中国籍】

刷新于 1 个月前
296 查看
54 申请
1. Responsible for the operation of the usual social media in China, including writing, editing and video making; 2. Publish and share daily content (including the school news, activities and students dairy) to the media channels; 3. Develop creative concept, key message and contents for social media and marketing materials, including all social media apps, blogs, PR, etc; 4. Reply to the inquiries from the potential students about the school about courses information; 5. Organize students activities, including social night and weekend outdoor activities, and collect relevant resources for marketing; 6. Work closely with Course consultant department and Education department to generate content. 7. Communicate with the students at campus and build a good rapport. 1.负责国内常用社交媒体的运营,包括文案写作、内容编辑和视频制作; 2.自媒体渠道内容发布和日常分享(包括学校新闻、活动和学生日记等); 3.提出社交媒体和营销素材的创意、扩展营销的渠道和方式,包括所有社交媒体应用、微博等; 4.回复潜在学生关于学校课程信息的咨询; 5. 组织校内学生活动,包含英语角和周末户外活动,以收集一些营销素材; 6.与课程部和教学部密切合作,生成内容。 7. 经常和在校学员交流,营造良好的关系。
1. Heavy Internet users, be professional with social networks 2. Good communication and coordination skills; Capable of interpersonal relationship management and sharp market insight and analysis ability 3.Enthusiasm in work and be able to share the information proactively 4. Energetic, optimistic and passionate 1. 重度网络使用者,善于玩转社交网络; 2. 优秀的沟通协调技能,善于人际关系管理,有敏锐的时长嗅觉和分析能力; 3. 工作积极热情,乐于主动分享; 4. 为人开朗热情,富有激情。 Benefits: If you want a quality LIFESTYLE, Yangshuo can be one of the best place to work and live in. You may consider the following advantages: 1. Relaxing lifestyle in the global town, close to the nature with a lot of fun outdoor activities for exploring, including rock-climbing, hiking and camping; 2. Great international team with members from different countries in the world and adult students from different places in China. 3. Excellent learning environment that you will not only improve your skills of work but also for English improvement. 4. Language Partner program can help you if you want to improve some other languages. 如果你想要高质量的生活方式,风景甲天下的桂林阳朔将是工作和生活的最佳场所之一。你可以考虑以下优点: 1.在国际小镇放松的生活方式,亲近自然,在这里,你有机会探索不同有趣的户外活动,包括攀岩、徒步旅行和露营; 2.由来自世界不同国家的同事,和来自国内不同地方的成年学生,组成的优秀的国际团队。 3.良好的学习环境,不仅能提高工作技能,还能提高英语水平。 4.学校的语言搭档项目,可以帮你提高英语法语等不同的语言技能。
Omeida English College

