Foreign Policy Analyst and Researcher
刷新于 5 个月前
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Our partner company, a leading provider of strategic policy analysis and advisory services, specializes in supporting policy-making agencies by leveraging their expertise in government processes, regulatory frameworks, and policy dynamics. They have developed a deep understanding of international trade, investment, foreign and military trade policies, which enables them to deliver tailored solutions that help clients achieve their goals in international investment and business.
Job Position : Foreign Policy Analyst and Researcher
Job Responsibilities
Investigating international relations theories, historical settings, particular nations or regions of interest, and world affairs in general. This entails compiling information from a range of sources, including scholarly works, official documents, news articles, and interviews.
Examining and assessing current diplomatic approaches, international agreements, and foreign policies. evaluating their efficacy, advantages, disadvantages, and possible effects on national security and international stability.
Tracking and spotting patterns in international politics, economy, security, and social dynamics is known as trend analysis and forecasting. speculating about future events and how they will affect foreign policy and international relations.
Offering suggestions on how to reduce risks and take advantage of opportunities.
Effectively conveying analysis, policy recommendations, and research findings to support decision-making processes.
Presenting suggestions for policy priorities, goals, and directions that are supported by evidence.
Working together with specialists from different fields like political science, economics, law, sociology, and regional studies is known as interdisciplinary collaboration. incorporating various points of view to improve the scope and depth of the study and analysis.
Advocating for particular policy positions by taking part in public debates, conferences, and seminars.
Providing in-the-moment analysis and suggestions during global crises, conflicts, or emergencies is known as crisis management and response.
When developing and carrying out foreign policy research and analysis, ethical implications and legal frameworks should be taken into account.
Expertise in unique research and views on the development of the international situation would be valuable in our work. Additionally, your ability to communicate with governments and think tanks of relevant countries would be a significant asset to our organization.
Qualifications of Foreign policy Analyst and Researcher
A degree in public policy, political science, international relations, or a related field is required. Although candidates with master's or doctoral degrees may be preferred, bachelor's degrees are acceptable.
A thorough comprehension of theories, concepts, and frameworks related to international relations is imperative. Understanding historical settings, international organizations, global governance frameworks, and geopolitical dynamics are all included in this.
competence in performing research with a range of methodologies, such as quantitative and qualitative techniques. The capacity to compile, evaluate, and integrate data from a variety of sources, including scholarly works, official documents, publications from think tanks, and media sources
Analytical Proficiency: Excellent analytical abilities to evaluate intricate political, social, economic, and cultural issues. Able to recognize patterns, trends, and connections in data and information about foreign policy.
Critical Thinking: The ability to think critically and solve problems, especially when analyzing foreign policies, gauging their effects, and putting out substitute plans of action or remedies.
Policy Development and Analysis: Proficiency in evaluating diplomatic approaches, international agreements, and foreign policies. the capacity to support the creation of new initiatives and policies that are founded on in-depth analysis and research findings.
Communication Skills: Proficient in both written and oral communication, allowing for the clear and effective expression of intricate concepts, analyses, and policy recommendations. This entails writing academic papers, reports, briefings, and presentations.
The ability to incorporate knowledge from multiple fields, including political science, economics, law, sociology, and regional studies, is known as the interdisciplinary perspective. being aware of the ways in which various elements interact to affect foreign policy decisions and international relations.
How to Apply ?
Resume , passport copy
Cover letter highlighting your hands on experience as foreign policy analyst and researcher .
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