hostess supervisor

5000 人民币~10000 人民币/每月

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nsure the three steps of service are adhered to at all times: 确保服务的三个步骤贯彻始终 1. A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guest name if and when possible 温暖而真诚的问候,可以的话称呼客人的名字 2. Anticipation and compliance with guest needs 预计并满足客人的需要 3. Fond farewell.Give them a warm good-bye and use the guest name if and when possible 真诚的告别,致以热诚的告别,可以的话称呼客人的名字 To seat guests in a manner that every guest will receive the fastest and most courteous service at all times.  客人始终能得到快速而有礼貌的服务为准则来安排客人入座。 To set the tone of aggressive hospitality with a display of friendly enthusiasm that will continue all through the restaurant during the entire meal period.  营业时间内始终保持热情积极的语调来表现出热情及友好 To supervise and control seating in the restaurant and ensure that guests are seated in stations so that no server is overloaded with guests at any given time, and in order to seat guests in a manner that is fair to all the servers.  监督控制餐厅内餐位数量的安排情况,确保合理分配客人入座,避免造成因客人较多员工较少,以至于客人得不到及时有效的服务的情况发生 Key Performance Indicator: 1. Achieve Guest information Collection & Arrangement 100% 收集、整理完整的顾客信息 2. Before the operation double check the menu ensure all the menu is clean on good condition and update. 餐厅运营前确保所有菜单是干净、完整及最新的 3. Maintain all third-party platforms of the restaurant to ensure that the information used is accurate and updated when need.(eg. meituan, elme, sharps, dining city, chops) 维护餐厅所有第三方平台确保所用信息是准确的,及时更新信息 4. Ensure that all promotional activities and posters are correctly changed in time 确保餐厅所有的促销活动及宣传海报是正确的及时更换时段活动展示牌 5. Achieve 0 Mistake in Cashier procedure 达成收银0错误 Job Responsibilies 工作职责 1. Follow hostess opening & closing checklist thoroughly.   完全遵循领位员开档及收档的检查表           2. Ensure that the front of the restaurant is always covered.  确保餐厅门口处一直有人 3.   Ensure that the front of the restaurant is spotless at all times. 确保餐厅门口处保持整洁 4.   Check on every table to ensure that it is clean, spotless and fully setup and that all silverware and glassware is spotless before any guests are seated at the table.  In addition, check to ensure that all chairs are free of crumbs and that the floor is spotless.   在客人入座前,检查每张桌子,确保每张桌子都保持干净.无污点.铺设整齐,所有的玻璃制品和银制 品都干净.无污点,确保所有椅子上都无面包屑,地板无污渍 5.  Check on guests to get feedback on the quality of their meals, service, etc. and share any problems that arise immediately—inform manager immediately, but try to take care of the problem at once. record all detail information in chops system.  获得客人关于他们对于食品质量,服务等方面的信息反馈,即使分享任何发生的问题,立刻告 诉你的主管和经理,并试着在第一时间解决问题。记录所有的相关信息。 7. Pitch in and help in service whenever the need arises. 无论在什么情况下,都要以一种积极的姿态投入到工作中去 8. Have an excellent knowledge about wines and different items on the menu in order to be able to help guests, answer questions, and give other suggestions.     拥有良好的食品酒水知识,为了能更好的回答客人的提问并适当给予一些建议 9. Take cashier work. Ensure all the Bill Close is Correct. 胜任收银工作,确保所有账单正确。
Qualifications & Profile Position per Position 职位要求 At least 2 years work experience. 至少有两年的工作经验 Demonstrated good hospitality and communication skills. 具有良好的沟通和处事能力 Good communication skill in Mandarin and minimum knowledge of English. 良好的普通话表达及基本的英语表达能力
Ponte Vecchio Italian Cuisine and Wine Bar Management (Shanghai )CO., Ltd.

