Service Provider Operations Developer

15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月

刷新于 3 个月前
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About the jobCompany DescriptionSupply Chain Operations organization with its ~ 800 co-workers connects our customers with IKEA products in a simple,affordable,and sustainable way. We deliver excellent transport and logistic solutions today, tomorrow and over time by optimizing replenishment solutions, defining physical goods flow capacity needs, managing the goods flow, sourcing & developing transport & logistics capacities and leading & securing supply quality.Do you have a passion for developing business? Do you like handling different types of challenges and topics at the same time with various stakeholders both internal and external in a fast-pacing environment? Then this position might be something for you!Job Description Service Provider's (SP) performance: Secure SP's operational performance in all aspects (as defined by relevant KPIs, in relation to capacity, precision, qualitative parameters, claims, safety, etc.); identify, monitor & implement relevant actions to improve the service performance continuously (e.g., through SPDP, business review, etc.). As aService Provider Operations Developer, you will be responsible to secure and continuously improve our Service Provider's operational performance and maximize the optimization potential related to its operational costs - in close cooperation with business partners and relevant supply chain stakeholders.If you love the idea of joining a new business in Inter-IKEA, you are not afraid to venture in the unknown and are motivated by co-creation and collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders, then we would love to get to know you!In this role you will act in the following dimensions: Secure operational performance of the service provider (as defined by relevant KPIs, in relation to capacity, precision, qualitative parameters, claims, safety, etc.) Together withthe service providers and relevant internalstakeholders,secure optimal usage of agreed capacity vs. planned/needed capacity. Actively work with capacity forecasting, identifyconstraintsandfind optimal solutions which lead to securing needed capacity at lowest total cost. Supporttenders& RFQs;contribute with local operational and market knowledge ( standards), and details ofservice providersperformance and operational capabilities In close cooperation with relevant functions, implementnewset-upsContribute to development of working methods and other steering documentsSecure and share needed industry competence with all relevant functionMonitor and secure execution of signed contracts and agreed terms & conditions. Perform compliance/spot checks atservice providersto verify compliance with given parameters, such as quality of equipment,safetyand security, etc. In return IKEA offers you a challenging position with great development possibilities. You will work in an environment where your ideas are heard, where there is an opportunity to learn new skills and where the goal always is “to create a better everyday life for the many people”. IKEA offers down-to-earth, straightforward people the possibility to grow, both as individuals and in their professional roles. Additional InformationWe look forward to receiving your application online in English.
QualificationsYou may be the person we are looking for if:You are inspired by IKEA’s values andit’smission to provide a better everyday life for the many people;Are interested to explore working in one of the most dynamic area in LogisticsYou have previously worked inthe Logistics or Supply Chain organisation of aninternational organisationfor at least 2 yearsUnderstandspecific aspects related totransportation andwarehousingand main factors impacting operational performance Have good analytical and follow up skillsYou are self-driven,and you feel comfortable in engaging and driving through our operational agenda with various stakeholders (internal & external to IKEA) You are proficientin working with Excel, including performing analysis and putting together reports Youcancommunicatefluently in English, both verbal and in writing
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刷新于 3 个月前
International Sales (Native English Speaker)
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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