Vice President of Real Estate Operations

40000 人民币~42000 人民币/每月

刷新于 20 天前
252 查看
48 申请
One: Job Responsibilities Strategic Planning and Decision Support Participate in the formulation of the company's strategic plan, combine the trend of the real estate industry and the actual situation of the enterprise, and provide professional advice for the direction of enterprise development. Conduct feasibility analysis and evaluation of major projects for the senior management to provide powerful data support and risk assessment. Large Operations System Construction and Improvement Establish and improve the real estate large operations management system, clarify the responsibilities and work processes of each department, and ensure the efficient operation of the project from land acquisition to delivery. Continuously optimize the large operations management system, adjust management strategies in time according to the development of the enterprise and market changes to improve operational efficiency and management level. Project Life Cycle Management Coordinate the whole life cycle management of the project, including project planning, design, engineering construction, marketing, and delivery, to ensure the completion of the project on time, in quality, and in quantity. Monitor the progress, quality, and cost of the project comprehensively, timely discover problems and coordinate solutions, and ensure the realization of the project goals. Resource Integration and Coordination Integrate internal enterprise resources and coordinate the work of departments to realize the optimal allocation and efficient utilization of resources. Communicate and coordinate with external partners (such as design units, construction units, and suppliers) to establish good cooperative relationships and ensure the smooth progress of the project. Team Management and Talent Cultivation Lead and manage the large operations management team, formulate the development plan and talent cultivation plan of the team, improve the professional quality and execution ability of the team. Encourage team members, create a positive and upward work atmosphere, and build a high-efficiency and professional large operations management team. Two: Job Requirements Professional Knowledge and Skills Have relevant professional knowledge in real estate development, and be familiar with real estate industry policies and regulations and market dynamics. Have rich experience in real estate project management and be proficient in the methods and tools of the whole life cycle management of projects. Have strong data analysis and decision-making ability and be able to use data to support enterprise decision-making.
一、岗位职责 战略规划与决策支持 参与制定企业的战略规划,结合房地产行业发展趋势和企业实际情况,为企业的发展方向提供专业建议。 对重大项目进行可行性分析和评估,为企业高层决策提供有力的数据支持和风险评估。 大运营体系建设与完善 建立健全房地产大运营管理体系,明确各部门职责和工作流程,确保项目从拿地到交付的全流程高效运转。 持续优化大运营管理体系,根据企业发展和市场变化及时调整管理策略,提高运营效率和管理水平。 项目全周期管理 统筹项目的全周期管理,包括项目策划、设计、工程建设、营销、交付等各个环节,确保项目按时、按质、按量完成。 对项目的进度、质量、成本进行全面监控,及时发现问题并协调解决,确保项目目标的实现。 资源整合与协调 整合企业内部资源,协调各部门之间的工作,实现资源的优化配置和高效利用。 与外部合作伙伴(如设计单位、施工单位、供应商等)进行沟通协调,建立良好的合作关系,确保项目顺利推进。 团队管理与人才培养 领导和管理大运营管理团队,制定团队发展规划和人才培养计划,提高团队的专业素质和执行力。 激励团队成员,营造积极向上的工作氛围,打造一支高效、专业的大运营管理团队。 二、任职要求 专业知识与技能 具备房地产开发相关专业知识,熟悉房地产行业政策法规和市场动态。 拥有丰富的房地产项目管理经验,熟练掌握项目全周期管理的方法和工具。 具备较强的数据分析能力和决策能力,能够运用数据为企业决策提供支持。 领导能力与管理经验 具有卓越的领导能力和团队管理经验,能够有效地激励和引导团队成员,实现团队目标。 具备良好的沟通协调能力和组织能力,能够与各部门和外部合作伙伴进行有效的沟通和协调。 创新能力与学习能力 具有创新思维和创新能力,能够不断探索新的管理模式和方法,提高企业的运营效率和管理水平。 具备较强的学习能力和适应能力,能够快速掌握新知识、新技能,适应房地产行业的快速发展和变化。

