Guangxi Shenglong Metallurgical Co., Ltd.

广西盛隆冶金有限公司始建于2003年,厂址位于北部湾畔新兴现代化临港工业城市防城港市港口区,是广西壮族自治区在西部大开发浪潮中引进的“百企入桂”民企翘楚。 在自治区、防城港市党委、政府关心支持帮助下,公司已经发展成为一家规模化、现代化、国际化、信息化的千万吨级钢铁联合企业,2011年起稳居广西民营企业100强前茅,2016年起入围中国企业500强, 2020年获评中国钢铁企业竞争力(暨发展质量)A级(特强)企业,2021年成功跻身全球钢企50强。曾荣获“第六届全国文明单位”、“高新技术企业”、“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业”、“自治区技术创新示范企业”、“自治区主席质量奖提名奖”、“防城港市市长质量奖”等荣誉称号,入围国家工信部公布符合《钢铁行业规范条件》企业名单 Guangxi Shenglong Metallurgy Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and is located in the port area of Fangchenggang City, a newly developed modern port industrial city on the Beibu Gulf. It is a leading private enterprise introduced by Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the wave of western development, known as the "Hundred Enterprises Entering Guangxi". With the support and assistance of the Party Committee and Government of the Autonomous Region and Fangchenggang City, the company has developed into a large-scale, modern, international, and information-based multi million ton steel joint venture. Since 2011, it has consistently ranked among the top 100 private enterprises in Guangxi, and since 2016, it has been shortlisted for the top 500 Chinese enterprises. In 2020, it was rated as an A-level (strong) enterprise in the competitiveness (and development quality) of Chinese steel enterprises, and in 2021, it successfully entered the top 50 global steel enterprises. Has won honorary titles such as "6th National Civilized Unit", "High tech Enterprise", "Key High tech Enterprise of National Torch Plan", "Autonomous Region Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise", "Nomination Award for Chairman's Quality Award of Autonomous Region", "Mayor's Quality Award of Fangchenggang City", etc., and has been shortlisted for the list of enterprises that meet the "Steel Industry Standard Conditions" announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China