Finance Manager
50000 人民币~60000 人民币/每月
刷新于 1 年前
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Plan, organize, and execute financial tasks and projects of the organization.
Need to travel to our head quarter in Nantong 2-3 days a week.
Setting up scientific and systematic process on cost accounting and financial monitoring,taking effective measures on internal management; well manage all the accounting items and accounting team. Emphasize in the overall cost control in daily operation and manufacturing.
Set up company budget process, manage the cashflow (especially AR & AP).
Achieve a proper mix of equity and debt to minimize cost and maximize operational profit.
Financial accounting: According to the national accounting statutes and regulations, enterprise accounting regulations, combining with the characteristics of the company, set up the accounting management approach, budget management approach, capital settlement approach etc.
Overseas and domestic investment and financing: Docking bank, to trade under the basis of financing, develop variety of financing channel; host the risk assessment, guidance, cost analyzing, follow up and financing risk control on big project investment and business activity.
Financial statement analysis: Accurately grasp the financial operation status, regularly analysis, clear up, appraisal financial execution status, providing accurately financial information for business leaders and giving reasonable insights to management team.
Check & Monitor: Comprehensively to check the capital spending and payment collection; make sure the normal operation of the fund and maintain the safety of company’s capital so as to deduce the financial risks; ensure a reasonable, safe structure of financial and capital so as to avoid the payment risks. Set up credit management process to control the business risks.
Tax planning: proceed a tax analysis which shall be combined with current operation model, operation cost, production structure and local tax regulations. Shall pay attention to tax planning; coordinating relations with bank, industrial and commercial bureau, tax bureau so as to maintain well for company benefits.
Financial reporting: collect all the financial report and submit monthly, quarterly, and annually. Also cooperate with auditing firms. Integrate the group financial report including overseas hold companies.
Manage the team: Train finance team well, set up KPI, evaluate the team and give clear task and micromanage them, have a talent approach to make team grow,
Company financing: Debt financing collaborating with local banks and manage the loans. Equity financing: work with FA and investment firms for all due diligence check. Achieve investment and IPO in 2024.
Deal with tax issues, foreign exchange(FDI) cases, subsidies with local government
align with the company objectives to set up yearly, monthly, weekly plans with the team with clear goals.
Conduct reviews and evaluations for cost-reduction opportunities.
Manage and monitor metrics, KPI tracking, and reports.
Evaluate the financial performance of the organization and measure returns on investments.
Bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting; CPA a plus
5-8 years of experience in accounting and/or financial analysis
Able to manage, guide and lead employees to ensure appropriate financial processes are being used
Ability to synthesize large quantities of complex data into actionable information
Ability to work and effectively communicate with senior-level business partners
Excellent business judgment, analytical, and decision-making skills
Knowledge of financial reporting and data mining tools such as SQL, Access, etc.
Strong demonstrated use of Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
Sales Manager
GEOR Global Recruitment (Shenzhen) Ltd.
70000 欧元~80000 欧元/每年
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Kindergarten in Shenzhen
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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刷新于 14 小时前
General Manager Needed – Manufacturing Exp Required
One of Leading Suppliers in Electronics Industry
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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刷新于 2 天前
English teacher needed in public high school
Seton Elite (Beijing) International Education Technology
16000 人民币~22000 人民币/每月
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刷新于 4 天前
Sales Engineer-Malaysian Kuala Lumpur
FanRuan Software Co., Ltd.
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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刷新于 1 个月前
Business Development (Sales)
10000 人民币~30000 人民币/每月
美国, 墨西哥, 荷属安德列斯, 尼加拉瓜, 巴拿马, 波多黎各, 圣卢西亚, 圣文森特岛, 圣卢西亚, 圣文森特, 特立尼达和多巴哥, 安提瓜和巴布达, 巴巴多斯, 伯利兹, 加拿大, 哥斯达黎加, 古巴, 多米尼加, 萨尔瓦多, 格林纳达, 危地马拉, 海地, 洪都拉斯, 牙买加, 马提尼克岛, 巴西, 智利, 哥伦比亚, 厄瓜多尔, 法属圭亚那, 圭亚那, 玻利维亚, 阿根廷, 委内瑞拉, 乌拉圭, 苏里南, 秘鲁, 巴拉圭, 英国, 荷兰, 波兰, 罗马尼亚, 塞尔维亚, 西班牙, 葡萄牙, 瑞典, 瑞士, 乌克兰, 南斯拉夫, 阿尔巴尼亚, 奥地利, 比利时, 克罗地亚, 塞浦路斯, 法国, 德国, 希腊, 匈牙利, 意大利, 立陶宛, 摩纳哥, 埃及, 沙特阿拉伯, 土耳其, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 越南, 阿塞拜疆, 柬埔寨, 印尼, 约旦, 科威特, 黎巴嫩, 马来西亚, 日本, 孟加拉国, 新加坡, 印度, 阿曼, 卡塔尔, 泰国, 韩国, 南非, 肯尼亚, 澳大利亚, 以色列, 伊拉克, 巴勒斯坦, 马尔代夫, 阿富汗, 也门, 中国, 巴基斯坦, 尼泊尔, 朝鲜, 菲律宾, 斯里兰卡, 叙利亚, 塔吉克斯坦, 土库曼斯坦, 乌兹别克斯坦, 亚美尼亚, 巴林, 不丹, 文莱, 缅甸, 格鲁吉亚, 伊朗, 哈萨克斯坦, 吉尔吉斯斯坦, 老挝, 俄罗斯, 挪威, 圣马力诺, 斯洛文尼亚, 白俄罗斯, 波斯尼亚, 保加利亚, 捷克共和国, 丹麦, 爱沙尼亚, 芬兰, 直布罗陀, 冰岛, 爱尔兰, 拉脱维亚, 列支敦斯登, 卢森堡, 北马其顿, 马耳他, 摩尔多瓦共和国, 斯洛伐克, 尼日尔, 尼日利亚, 索马里, 塞拉利昂, 塞舌尔, 圣多美和普林西比, 塞内加尔, 卢旺达, 留尼汪, 莫桑比克, 纳米比亚, 苏丹, 斯威士兰, 坦桑尼亚, 多哥, 突尼斯, 乌干达, 刚果(金), 赞比亚, 津巴布韦, 阿尔及利亚, 安哥拉, 贝宁, 博茨瓦纳, 布基纳法索, 布隆迪, 喀麦隆, 佛得角, 中非共和国, 乍得, 刚果(布), 吉布提, 埃塞俄比亚, 加蓬, 冈比亚, 加纳, 几内亚, 科特迪瓦, 莱索托, 利比里亚, 利比亚, 马达加斯加, 马拉维, 马里, 毛里求斯, 摩洛哥, 赤道几内亚, 新西兰
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Marketing and Sales Specialist (Malasia)
Duowei Union Group
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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Business Executive - in Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia
Kejie Logistics
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刷新于 6 个月前
Online English Tutor
Hong Kong Study Skills Research Institute
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
其它, 上海, 深圳, 广州, 北京, 美国, 英国, 新西兰, 俄罗斯
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刷新于 9 个月前
Foreign English Teacher at Causeway Bay ESL Center
Teach In Asia Limited
15000 人民币~20000 人民币/每月
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刷新于 1 年前