国际财务总监 international finance director

60000 人民币~70000 人民币/每月

刷新于 4 个月前
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岗位职责: 1.负责所在部门整体财务运营及管理工作、内控体系的完善;参与公司重大的经营决策,并提供建议和决策支持,参与风险评估、指导、跟踪和控制。 2.统筹所在部门资金结算与运营、会计核算,及时报送各类管理报表及分析报告,为管理层提供决策依据。 3.主导所在部门制定年度财务计划和预算工作并落实实施,负责提供财务数据以及财务分析。 4.项目财务管理:组织开展项目财务管理,参与项目“四算”,即概算、预算、核算和决算,及时监控和汇报项目风险,跟踪项目应收账款情况。 5.税务筹划:负责规划当地税负,合理把控税务风险。 6.负责对公司重要经济合同及购销合同的审查,并监督合同的执行,确保企业利益不受损害。 7.与当地工商、税务、银行、中介机构、资本市场监管等相关机构建立和保持良好的协作关系。 8.负责所在部门团队建设及员工培养,制定财务内部相关指标,做好绩效考核管理;协调财务部与其它部门的关系。 9.积极领会集团财务政策,并贯彻执行。 Job duties: 1.Take charge of the finance running and management work of whole department and improving the internal control system; 2.Involving the important decision-making process and supplying suggestions and support and following the risk evaluating\conducting\tracing and controlling process; 3.Submitting all kinds of management and analysis report by overall manage the fund settlement\running and financial accounting timely to provide the basement for the board decision-making work; 4.Leading the department to making and implementing the annual financial plan and budget work and responsible for financial data supply and financial analysis; 5.Project financial management:initiating project financial management work,involving the project quadra-calculating-work including estimate、budget、check computation and final settlement to timely monitoring and reporting the project risk and tracing the project receivables situation; 5.Tax planning: responsible for planning local tax bearing and control the tax risk within a reasonable range; 6.Responsible for corporate important economic\purchase\sale contract checking work and monitoring the contract implementation process to avoid the damage for the interest of enterprise; 7.Establishing and maintaining excellent cooperation relationship with local commercial、taxation、banking、intermediary agent、capital market regulation and other relevant institutions; 8.Coaching the department staff and reinforcing the team capacity by extracting internal financial indicators and carrying out the performance appraisal management and coordinating the relationship between financing and other department; 9.Proactively understanding the corporate headquarter financial policies and put into implementation resolutely and consistently.
职位要求: 1.全日制本科以上学历,财务、金融或其他经济类相关专业毕业,中高级以上会计职称,注册会计师优先考虑。 2.具备良好的财务管理经验及敏锐的洞察力和数据感觉,熟悉财务管理流程,具有财务把控能力,大局观较强;七年以上财务工作经验,且至少三年以上财务经理/总监的管理经验,同行业或上市公司财务经理或财务总监优先。 3.熟悉企业信息化管理及ERP系统。 4.熟悉高新技术企业、矿业、冶金行业业有关产业政策,熟悉相关税收优惠政策的执行。 5.熟悉《企业会计准则》有关规定,能熟练编制合并报表。 6.具备良好的职业道德,严谨的工作作风及高度的事业心和责任心,认同企业文化,敢于承担责任,执行力强;具有良好的组织、协调能力,善于沟通,能够适应高强度工作。 Job qualifications: 1.Bachelor's degree or above major on finance or other economy associate profession,Middle or senior accountant title or above\certified public accountant will be priority; 2.Strong finance management experience and accurate insight and data-sensitivity and familiar with finance management process with good finance-control ability and view of overall situation; 3.7 years+ finance work experience and at least 3 years of finance manager/director management experience same industry or listed company candidate will be priority; 4.Master in enterprise information management and ERP system; 4.Familiar with new high-tech enterprise\mining and metallurgical industrial policies and know about the implementation situation of tax-relevant preferential policies; 5.Mastering the relevant stipulations of ASBE(Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises) and good at drafting and merging the financial statement sheet; 6.Excellent occupational ethics and prudent working style with strong ambition and responsibility\corporate culture identity\good executive ability\organization\coordination\communication capacity and can adapt to high-strength work.

