
人力资源经理/主管住在 越南国籍 中国台湾


⼈資經理 HR Manager| 越南 Vietnam

Compal Electronics 仁寶電腦⼯業股份有眼公司
2022.05-2023.09(1 年)
( 電 腦 及 其 周 邊 設 備 製 造 業 500 ⼈ 以 上 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturer with above 500 employees) 外籍⼯作證,暫住證管理 To handle and manage with foreign work permits, ARCs of company workers; 政府關係維護(出⼊境管理局,⼯業區管理局) To maintain and work with the national legal affairs (Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, Industrial Business Administration Bureau); 員工招募管理 To recruit talents and workers for the company; 校 園 合 作 To cooperate and operate the incampus activities; 其他專案 #具備⼈⼒資源相關知識 #執⾏⽇常招募業務 #勞⼯保險相關法規 #⾯試技巧 #招募任⽤制度 To maintain with various projects, executive recruitment tasks, Labor Insurance, recruitment and appointment system...

⼈資課⻑ Section Chief | 越南 Vietnam

Maxxis International 正新橡膠⼯業股份有限公司
2015.08-2022.05(7 年)
( 橡 膠 裝 品 製 造 業 500 ⼈ 以 上 Rubber manufacturer with above 500 employees) 1. 越南廠招募計劃職⾏及監督 To conduct recruitment plan and operate the company factory in Vietnam; 2. 薪 資 規 劃 及 計 算 ( 包 含 年 度 調 薪 、 薪 資 調 查 等 ) To program the workers' salary including annual salary adjustment, survey, etc; 3.勞資爭議處理 To handle the labor conflicts; 4.年度教育訓練規劃、監督 To supervise and deliver annual training to workers; 5. 其 他 部 ⾨ 流 程 改 善 To process the improvement in company departments; 6.勞⼯關係管理 To manage the labor related jobs.

管理師 HR Administrator| 新北市New Taipei, R.O.C.

Apacer Technology Inc. 宇瞻科技股份有限公司
2014.08-2015.07(1 年)
(資料儲存媒體製造及複製業500⼈以上 Data Storage Manufacturer & Industrial Reproduction with above 500 employees) 1. 主要負責直/間接⼈員招募,外勞招募 Mainly responsible for direct/indirect personnel recruitment, foreign labor recruitment; 2. 募相關專案執⾏ To handle the related projects; 3. 離職⾯談 To handle the HR tasks including interview and resignation; 4. 其他主管交辦事項 To fulfill other tasks assigned by the supervisor.

⼈資專員 HR Specialist| 新北市New Taipei, R.O.C

Huadian Corporation 華電聯網
2014.01-2014.08(8 个月)
(電信相關業500⼈以上 Telecommunication company with above 500 employees) 招募/新⼈報到/新⼈試⽤期滿作業/校園微才/研發替代/校園產學合作/企業實習 Recruitment/To register for the newcomers/To track the newcomers' probation period/ To conduct in-campus recruitment/R&D Recruitment.

招募管理師 Recruit Administrator | 台 北市Taipei, R.O.C.

Solomon Company Ltd., 所羅⾨股份有限公司
2012.06-2014.01(2 年)
( 電 ⼦ 通 訊 / 電 腦 周 邊 批 發 業 500 ⼈ 以 上 Electronic communication/Computer peripheral wholesale company with above 500 employees) 1. ⼈員招募 To recruit new employees; 2. 集團⼈員管控 To manage groups of employees; 3.新進⼈員任⽤/報到業務 To make appointments and conduct reports of new recruits; 4.教育訓練安排、To arrange and deliver trainings to new recruits; 5.主管交辦事項 To handle and fulfill the tasks assigned by the director; 6.團保作業 To operate the group security.

業 務 主 任 Sales Chief| ⾼ 雄 市 Kaohsiung, R.O.C

Nanshan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 南⼭⼈壽
2004.05-2011.06(7 年)
(⼈⽣保險業500⼈以上 Life Insurance Company with above 500 employees) 在退伍後進⼊了保險業,做了四年的業務主管,並學會⼈與⼈溝通的技巧,及保險的相關知識. Having left the army, I had been working as a business director in a life insurance company for four years to learn multiple skills of interpersonal communication, as well as the insurance relevant knowledge.


國 ⽴ 屏 東 商 業 技 術 學 院 National Pingtung University

2010.09-2012.06(2 年)

樹德科技⼤學 Shu-te University

⾦ 融 保 險 學 ⼠
2004.09-2008.06(4 年)


2004.01-2008.01(4 年)