产品总监Product Director


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岗位职责 Job description: (1)负责公司的软硬件产品定义与体验优化工作,规划和制定各产品线的市场定位和产品定义,进行新产品的市场调研,用户调研,竞品分析,初期产品定义等工作; Responsible for the company's software and hardware product definition and experience optimization, planning and formulating the market positioning and product definition of each product line, conducting market research on new products, user research, competitive product analysis, initial product definition, etc. (2)设计产品功能和交互,输出高质量的需求文档和原型; Design product features and interactions, and output high-quality requirements documents and prototypes; (3)对小家电、智能家居或美容健康产品进行深入研究; 持续关注并研究行业前沿技术,挖掘新技术在产品上实施的可能性,以保证产品在技术上的持续创新; Carry out in-depth research on small household appliances, smart home or beauty and health products; continue to pay attention to and study cutting-edge technologies in the industry, and explore the possibility of implementing new technologies in products to ensure continuous technological innovation of products; (4)负责用户成长体系等方向的需求分析、市场分析,结合公司线上线下产品,确定合理、创新的产品设计方案及产品发展计划,安排项目优先级; Responsible for demand analysis and market analysis in the direction of user growth system, combined with the company's online and offline products, determine reasonable and innovative product design plans and product development plans, and arrange project priorities; (5)参与用户增长,从用户角度制定产品策略,对用户转化的各关键节点进行把控,对用户转化、留存、活跃度的各环节持续进行优化; Participate in user growth, formulate product strategies from the perspective of users, control each key node of user conversion, and continuously optimize each link of user conversion, retention, and activity; (6)持续分析产品用户反馈和使用数据,不断提高各功能模块的服务质量,改善用户体验; Continuously analyze product user feedback and usage data, continuously improve the service quality of each functional module, and improve user experience; (7)负责与技术开发、运营、营销、销售等进行沟通,协调资源,完成产品方案的开发,测试,验收、培训; Responsible for communicating with technology development, operation, marketing, sales, etc., coordinating resources, and completing product development, testing, acceptance, and training; (8)开展和跟进与多个合作伙伴之间的合作沟通,推进各类问题的解决和新需求的合作实现; Carry out and follow up the cooperation and communication with multiple partners, and promote the solution of various problems and the realization of cooperation of new needs; (9)跟工程部门沟通,驱动产品的细节不断完善和提高。 Communicate with the engineering department to continuously improve and improve the details of the driving product。
任职资格: Qualifications: (1)本科及以上学历,工程技术类专业,工程技术类工作背景(结构尤佳),至少3年以上小家电、智能家居或美容健康类产品的产品经理工作经验,有香薰机产品经验者优先; Bachelor degree or above, major in engineering technology, engineering technology work background (structure is preferred), at least 3 years working experience as product manager of small household appliances, smart home or beauty and health products, experience in aromatherapy machine products is preferred; (2)对硬件产品具有独特的想法和思路,能够从用户的角度出发,深入了解用户体验、思维发散,不断深入研究和打磨产品; Have unique ideas and ideas for hardware products, can start from the user's point of view, deeply understand user experience, thinking divergence, and continue to in-depth research and polishing products; (3)对数据敏锐,具备优秀的信息整合和分析能力,且能形成有前瞻性的判断; Sensitive to data, with excellent information integration and analysis capabilities, and able to form forward-looking judgments; (4)熟悉产品经理的工作流程、能独立完整的输出产品设计文档:功能点拆分、原型图、PRD文档,有从0到1的经验优先; Familiar with the product manager's workflow, able to independently and completely output product design documents: function point split, prototype diagram, PRD document, experience from 0 to 1 is preferred; (5)有能力独立主导至少一个重大产品的整体设计,或重大版本改进; Ability to independently lead the overall design of at least one major product, or major version improvements; (6 )具备项目管理能力,把控产品设计与开发质量,推动项目成功; Possess project management ability, control product design and development quality, and promote project success; (6)能有效整合现有产品及内外资源,结合对业界现状趋势的了解,判研未来产品发展路径及机遇挑战,制定可执行的产品战略,能在多个产品上能做出中长期规划; Can effectively integrate existing products and internal and external resources, combine the understanding of the current situation and trends of the industry, judge and study future product development paths, opportunities and challenges, and formulate executable product strategies,can make medium and long-term plans for multiple products; (7)逻辑思维能力强,能客观的分析事物,善于站在不同角度分析问题; Strong logical thinking ability, able to analyze things objectively, good at analyzing problems from different angles; (8)沟通能力强,能够很好的表达自己的意图,并懂得换位思考,能快速了解对方需求; Strong communication skills, able to express their intentions well, understand empathy, and quickly understand the needs of the other party; (9)自我驱动,推动能力极强,能在高压情况下,以结果为导向,出色完成任务; Self-motivated, highly motivated, able to accomplish tasks well under high pressure, result-oriented; (10)出色的书面表达和口头沟通能力,对外沟通合作能力和跨部门统筹推动能力强。 Excellent written and oral communication skills, strong external communication and cooperation skills and cross-departmental coordination and promotion skills. 薪酬范围Salary and benefits:40K-80K/month
Shenzhen Zhenmei Life Technology Co.,Ltd

