外教招聘专员/Foreign Teacher Recruitment Specialist


刷新于 4 个月前
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1) 根据目标客户的需求和发展目标,规划并执行全面的外教招聘计划。 Foreign Teacher Recruitment: Plan and implement comprehensive foreign teacher recruitment plans based on the needs and development goals of target customers. 2) 招聘流程管理: 负责外教招聘的全流程管理,包括岗位发布、简历筛选、面试安排、面试评估、签证材料收集等,确保高效、精准地吸引并选拔优秀外教人才。 Recruitment Process Management: Be responsible for the entire recruitment process of foreign teachers, including job postings, resume screening, interview scheduling, interview evaluation, visa document collection, etc., to ensure efficient and precise attraction and selection of outstanding foreign teacher talent. 3) 招聘渠道维护: 建立和维护各种招聘渠道,包括国内及海外中介、在线招聘平台、社交媒体等,不断拓展招聘网络,提高招聘效果。 Maintenance of Recruitment Channels: Establish and maintain various recruitment channels, including domestic and overseas agencies, online recruitment platforms, social media, etc., continuously expanding the recruitment network to improve recruitment results. 4) 外教关系管理: 负责与外教建立良好的沟通和关系,解决他们在招聘过程中的疑虑和问题,确保外教有一个积极的招聘体验。 Management of Relationships with Foreign Teachers: Be responsible for establishing good communication and relationships with foreign teachers, addressing their doubts and concerns during the recruitment process, and ensuring a positive recruitment experience for foreign teachers. 5) 招聘数据分析: 收集、整理、分析招聘数据,制作相关报告,为学校提供外教招聘的数据支持,优化招聘策略。 Recruitment Data Analysis: Collect, organize, and analyze recruitment data, produce relevant reports, provide data support for foreign teacher recruitment to the school, and optimize recruitment strategies.
任职要求Requirements: 本科及以上学历,英语或相关专业优先考虑。 Bachelor's degree or above, English or related majors preferred. 具备良好的英语沟通能力,能够与外教进行有效的沟通和协调工作,要求大学英语六级、或英语专业八级。 Excellent English communication skills, able to effectively communicate and coordinate with foreign teachers, requiring CET-6 or TEM-8. 良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力。 Strong communication and team collaboration skills. 熟练使用办公软件,具备基本的网络知识,具备数据分析能力。 Detail-oriented, responsible, strong learning ability, motivated, able to work under certain pressure. 福利待遇Benefits: 竞争力薪酬和绩效奖金: 根据员工的工作表现进行绩效奖励(包括但不限于签约奖金、到岗奖金、渠道奖金、订单开发奖金等)。 Competitive salary and performance bonus: with performance rewards based on job performance (including but not limited to signing bonus, on-boarding bonus, channel bonus, order development bonus, etc.). 提供五险一金。 Provision of social security and housing fund. 培训机会: 提供培训体系,支持员工不断提升职业能力,拓展专业知识。 Training opportunities: Provide a training system to support employees' continuous improvement of professional abilities and expansion of professional knowledge. 良好工作环境: 扁平化管理,团队年轻,创造轻松自由的工作氛围,鼓励员工提出建议和创新思维。 灵活决策: 团队决策灵活,鼓励员工提出新的想法和方案,促进团队共同成长。 Excellent working environment: Flat management, young team, creating a relaxed and free working atmosphere, encouraging employees to make suggestions and innovative thinking. 弹性工作时间: 双休制度,对考勤要求不高,提供一定的工作灵活性,让员工更好地平衡工作和生活。 Flexible decision-making: The team makes decisions flexibly, encouraging employees to propose new ideas and solutions to promote team growth. 下午茶、团建活动: 不定期下午茶福利,以及每年组织丰富多彩的团队建设活动,增进团队凝聚力,促使成员更好地协作。 Afternoon tea and team-building activities: Irregular afternoon tea benefits, as well as rich and varied team-building activities organized annually to enhance team cohesion and promote better collaboration among members. 跨文化学习机会: 与外教保持日常交流,提供了跨文化学习的机会,有助于员工锻炼口语、开阔国际视野。 Cross-cultural learning opportunities: Daily communication with foreign teachers provides opportunities for cross-cultural learning, helping employees improve their spoken English and broaden their international perspective. Career development opportunities: Provide broad career development channels, encouraging employees to enhance their abilities through training and project experience to achieve personal career goals. 岗位发展机会: 提供广阔的岗位发展通道,鼓励员工通过培训和项目经验锻炼自己的能力,实现个人职业目标 Proficient in office software, basic network knowledge, and data analysis skills. 对教育行业有一定了解,了解国际教育和文化交流者优先考虑。 Familiarity with the education industry and understanding of international education and cultural exchange preferred. 有海外招聘经验者优先。 Overseas recruitment experience preferred. 工作细致、有责任心,学习能力强,有上进心,能承担一定的工作压力。
TLD Talents Service

